Has your teen recently passed their road test? You know what that means; “Mom/Dad, can I have the keys?” As a parent, this is a good time to enforce rules regarding Cell Phone Safety and Texting and Driving.
11% of all drivers under the age of 20 years old are involved in serious car wrecks involving personal injury that are caused directly by distracted driving. Before handing over the keys to your excited young driver, it is important to review some specific safety tips.
Out of Sight Out of Mind – Explain to your teen that before getting behind the wheel they must put their phone on silent and either place it in the back seat or have it tucked away in a bag. This will decrease the likelihood of feeling the need to respond immediately to incoming messages while driving. It can wait…
Designated Texter – It may sound funny, but have your teen set a designated texter who can read messages and respond to them. They won’t miss a beat with their “BFF” helping respond to important text messages and they are much more likely to stay safely focused on the road.
Setting a Good Example – If your teen sees you texting and driving, what do you think they will do? Set a good example while you are driving with them in the car, and also when you are alone. Do not take out your phone while driving. Show them that it can wait!
Texting at a Stop Light – Make your teen is aware that texting at a stop light is also unsafe and illegal! Texting at a stop light causes you to loose focus on what is going on around you.
Sign the Pledge Form – Please go to: https://wilsonins.net/TextFreePledge and have your child complete the form with you. This contract will serve as their promise to abide by the guidelines you set forth. It can also help you determine appropriate consequences should they violate the rules.
Before letting your teen go out for their first drive alone, enforce these rules and go over these important concepts to ensure their safety.
We can help you properly protect your teen with specifically-endorsed Personal Automobile policies from one of several competing carriers that we represent. Our Personal Lines Representatives will help you find the coverage that best fits you and your new driver.
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