




Long Term Care

4 Ways to Cover Your Belongings in a Move

Moving can be one of life’s most stressful events. It’s tiring and time-consuming to box up all your belongings, and that’s before you even start worrying about how to transport everything safely.

Speaking of that, do you know if your insurance covers your property while it’s in transit? And does your policy immediately kick in once you arrive in your new home?

Here’s what to know before you move:

1. Understand Your Coverage Limits

We see it all the time. Policyholders assume their current homeowners or renters insurance policy covers them during a move. In reality, these policies typically apply at a residence or storage unit but they usually aren’t designed to protect personal property while the items are being packed or physically moved.

2. Find Out About Additional Protections

Say your moving truck gets into a wreck and jostles all your delicate furniture around. If you have trip transit insurance or special perils coverage, you should be covered. These even kick in if anything gets stolen or disappears.

You can also ask your moving company about full value protection. This plan holds movers responsible for the replacement value of anything you’re shipping with them.

3. Don’t Assume Moving Everything Yourself Is Safer

If you’re driving your own vehicle, know that you assume all responsibility. To stay on the safe side, look into truck rental companies that offer additional coverage.

4. Know When to Adjust Your Policy

What’s the most important thing to do before you move? Check in to go over your coverage. We can time the transfer or cancellation of your policy to make sure there are no gaps in coverage during your relocation.

Whether you’re packing up this summer or staying put for a while, reach out anytime to make sure you have the right homeowners coverage at the right price.